We pay so much attention to trends and how look stylish at the office or with friends during a cocktail party, however sometime we just want to have that simple minimalistic streetstyle look. How achieve it at the simplest? Vogue Portal will suggest some must have items for summer streetstyle.
Blue Jeans
Of course, in modern reality we can’t imagine ourselves without blue jeans. They become a real classic. They give you ability to look stylish and go outside to hang out, or look simply and do your everyday tasks. Combine blue jeans with white t-shirt and/or long sleeve simple boyfriend shirt. Add bulk of jewelry if you still strive to look glamourous and little girlish flats or marry jane ballets. that’s it. You are ready to conquer the world.
White pants
White pants is another classic which won’t disappoint you in any case. You can combine it with black top, or white shirt, blazer, bright color blouse, any combination will look perfect.
What you definitely need is good vest black or white or take both of them as you’ll achieve different aesthetics by just changing the color – be more feminine and romantic or more a bossy girl. You can combine vest with white pants to achieve more classic look, or just with blue jeans to get more earthy street style look.
Stripe shirts
We get used to one colored shirts in recent years, however shirt with stripe got so much popular thanks to it classy and still extraordinary look. It is not overused at this point of time, so if you are planning to buy some new items for summer, pay attention to stripe shirts as well.
Crew Neck Cotton Sweater
Another must have item to get simple yet glamourous street style is crew neck cotton sweater. You can combine it with midi skirt to achieve that unobtrusive, yet girlish look.
Did you like our suggestions for summer street style must have items? Would you add anything? Please share your thoughts in comments.