We are all fascinated by Kardashians family. Kriss Jenner made tremendous job to uplift family to such level, but this success would have been impossible without each and every family member’s effort of course. They kitted the knot with famous singers and celebrities, the largest part of which are black skinned. This resulted to number of questions – so are the Kardashians black or white?
We all know that Kardashians has Armenian ancestors, but all family members look quite dark skinned, so what is the color of their race?
Due to location of Armenia, some people has more darker white skin, but actually Armenians are European race. To be more specific Armenians form a distinctive cluster bounded by Europeans, Near Easterners, and the Caucasus populations. Some also ascribe them to Armenoid type or the SouthWestern Asia race (also considered as white skinned). SouthWestern Asia race also includes Assyrians, Northern Arabs and Jews.
So are the Kardashians white or black?
Now we got question, if Armenians are white skinned European race members, why Kardashians are black skinned? The answer is quite simple and again we need to search it in marketing genius skills of the family.
Since they kitted the knot with black skinned, to look more organic together, Kardashians just darkened color of their white skins. They used tan, face makeups and body skin foundations, which they invented and successfully marketed for a larger audience. If we look at their earlier family portraits, answer is clear – Khloe’s neck was almost paper white, while Kim was more darker from the very beginning. Therefore Kim looks more organic by Kanye West side.

Anyway, as genetics shows, interracial connections results in most beautiful offspring. Their children would be even more beautiful then the parents and we’ll see more and more beauty variations with every new generation.
According to scientists, from genetics point of view, it would be ideal to mix as many races as possible. Large number of combination of genetic material would result in better, huge genetic diversity. Such mix results in evolution of the genome and gene pool of the mankind.
What was your initial perception about this family? Are the Kardashians black or white?