how to raise vibrations

How To Raise Vibrations Spiritually

Have you noticed that some people have an endless energy.
They have charisma to influence others.
They are leaders to lead the people.
Can work throughout a day.
Are faster then others.

Unfortunately peoples with such energies are a small part of our society.

Rest of us are just ordinary people who do their daily routines and live the life which are dictated by others.

Some people say that first ones are born with such energy and there is nothing to do if you were not – and its true. But since there is nothing constant in this world, one can destroy its potential by being on low vibrations, but some may have chances to raise vibrations and energy.

So if we were not lucky enough to get these high energies during the birth, how to raise vibrations spiritually and get extra energy?

Assisting others

Help others. Asist other people no matter who they are. Be responsive to peoples needs. Nothing rise vibrations and karma as supporting other people upon their requests. We are all equal and humankind is one big cluster of creatures. According to latest researches, we are all connected via one unconscious and resonating the same ideas which might be generated by people from different part of the world. Thus supporting other upon their requests is our highest blessing.

Be honest, Don’t lie

Always be honest. Speak the truth no matter how difficult it might be to you and how unfavorable situation it might lead you through. Don’t lie, do not dissemble, do not undermine other peoples efforts. Do not cheat.

Do the things you love

Try to find job you love. Don’t underestimate your potential and don’t agree to job you do not want. Doing things through force, tiresome, destroys the psyche and energy.

Have you heard how Steve Jobs worked for 14-16 hours a day? Do you think he could work this hard if he had done something through force? Never.

Doing things you love, do not deplete you but fills you up with endless energy. It means you have found purpose in life.

Clean the house

No one has canceled Feng Shui philosophy. Where you live & how you live matters. Clean the house, wardrobes, cupboards, windows, personal bags, etc.. Try to keep the house clean always, do your best at least. Donate old, unnecessary items or at least throw them away if they are totally useless. Let the new positive energy fill your space. You’ll feel the difference almost immediately.

Feed the animals

Yes, they are also part of our macrocosm and they have souls. Recall what is written in Holy Bible – “You shall not partake of the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood. Anyone who partakes of it shall be cut off.”

If you can feed a homeless cat, dog or bird, please do so. If your flat has a balcony, hang some container on the balcony railing and place there cooked rice, millet, or other cereals. Place also water somewhere, we all need it. Its hard for birds to find proper food in winter season. With this small, effortless gesture you can give so much care to birds in your neighbor.

Don’t gossip

Never spread negative information about other people. If there is something you can not say personally, don’t talk behind the back of that person. Negative slander will devastate your karma. Remember – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Attend the Sunday service

Go to church every Sunday and attend the service. Give praise to the lord. We depend so much on holy spirit. We are talking about energies and vibrations in this article, something that is intangible and is given only by universe. So what can be better then visiting house of God to become spiritual, better person, friendlier and kind?

Never wish harm on others

Don’t cultivate negative thoughts. If you are super angry on somebody, never wish problems to them. Negative thoughts and aspirations destroys your energy the most. Unforgiven resentment, grudges, envy creates blocks of energy within you that prevents you from development. Blocks are very difficult to overcome, thus please do not be resentful.

Instead always focus on your prosperity & wellbeing. It is not your job what will happen to your enemy, but it’s your possibility to ask God to get better life for yourself and succeed.

If someone hurts you, consider yourself as blessed person, this means he has passed his most strongest part of the energy to you.

Some more practices

We have listed how to raise vibrations spiritually that included utmost important ideas, but the list could be endless. Once you start practicing basic ethical principles, you’ll see how fast you develop further.

Listen to music, burn incense, listen to the solfeggio frequencies & try chanting, socialize, meet friends and family, spend more time in nature, get sunlight, walk daily, have a fresh vegetables, nuts and fruits, do exercise, play with children.

Do you agree with statements listed above on how to raise vibrations spiritually?

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