What should we know about our ancestors? EVERYTHING, literally everything.
Ancestral Connections
In 21th century, in economically advanced countries, where emancipation and feminism boosts financial independence of women, single-parent households became popular. Many children lost connection with one of their parent. There are thousands and thousands of people who have not met their parents for decades. This result in lost of knowledgeable connection to one whole line of their ancestors. They would never know what illnesses were ancestors suffering, what remedies they used, what practices they undergo to treat it, what helped and what did not.
On the contrary they would never know what their ancestors were good at. What was their success stories and which skills brought them to that point.
Ancestral Wisdom
You might think, that there is phenomenal leap in genetics which allows to reveal the problems on DNA level. But medicine is not good enough at this point to solve all health issues yet. Thus knowledge got from ancestors could really help you to fight your own deceases and prevent the problems at their root level. Information, best practices and wisdom got from ancestors could act as your very personal medicine.
Genetic is very tricky thing. According to new observations first boy is getting intelligence and visual characteristics from mother and girl from further, second boy from further, second girl from mother and so on. There is great article you can find out more details here.
But it is not written that apart of intelligence, there is also health, which on opposite is inherited from the exact sex ancestor. For instance, girl is imprinting visual characteristics of father (i.e. his mother), but hormonal conditions from their mother. The same is with boys who acquire hormonal characteristics of their father, grand-grand father and so on – since women just do not transport Y chromosome. While Y chromosome defines a lot for masculine line, we can pretty sure suppose that girls are inheriting hormonal characteristics of their mothers.
There is undoubtable emotional connection between mothers and daughters and between fathers and sons. This is great opportunity coded by nature – share some feminine and masculine experiences and even secrets between generations.
Ancestral Remedies
In future when you face some challenges and analyze your behavior, you might recall stories told by your father/mother and find similarities. So this could be time of jackpot – you’ll just understand that your behavior was simply dictated by a vices of your grand–grand father/mother, which you inherited in your DNA. If this vice is destroying your life, understanding the problem will immensely help you to stop repeating it over and over again and start controlling your further actions and preferences. For health conditions you might get ready ancestral remedies or at least it might speed up diagnosing process, which is cornerstone of the treatment.
The same will work with your offspring. If you face some problem, you should start tracking your feelings and write down your perceptions after certain activities.
You may think that we have no time for such staff, but there is a mainstream of writing gratitude everyday. People are doing this staff to gain some prosperity (career, love, money, etc.).
Since wellbeing is so important for us, why not start tracking our own issues for us and our offspring? May be this will save a life to your grand-grand children one day?
Have you close connection with your both parents? Have they shared family secrets with you? Are you using ancestral wisdom?
Share with us in comments if you agree with statement that we should know everything about our ancestors? For our health benefit at least.
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