don't waste your talent

Should We Alter Talents Given At Birth?

If you are reading this, at least you were born in 2005, or even in previous century. You are here, on earth, which means that one of your ancestors lived on earth 5000 years ago and you are a bearer of history. This whole story is written in your DNA. Your DNA is the genes of not only your mom and dad, but also your grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and so on. They were all different in some way. They were good in something; They might had even some kind of talents.  

Just imagine – you are the bearer of a piece of these talents. 

How your life will turn out depends only on you, on your choice. 

Man was born free. Not only a person as a separate individual. Homosapience as an entity was created by the Lord with free will to choose. 

The choice of a person, and the consequences of his life, depends only on him. 

Talents Alteration

Have you noticed that there are cases when girl is looking like her father, and a boy, on the contrary, is might look like his mother. 

But there are situations when, despite the initial resemblance to the initial parent, the child begins to resemble the other parent – over time, while being growing up. And there is no accidental coincidence, on the contrary – with strong authority, one of the parents suppresses the child’s initial choice. Over the time, the child tries to imitate, absorb the skills of an authoritative parent, changing himself not only psychologically, but also at the physical level – facial features are also altered. 

Over the years, it turns out that the child began to look like a completely different parent and it was a completely conscious, even his free choice. 

By acquiring new patterns, a person changes his original choice – made during conception in the womb, thereby drowning out those talents and skills that nature has thrown in him at the DNA level. 

Waiking Up

At some point in life, a person “wakes up” as if from a dream, catching himself thinking that he lives not by his own choice, but by imposed stereotypes. Yes, everything in life is possible calmly, harmoniously, goals have been achieved, but there is no spark, the very spark that leads the leaders of their lives to great achievements. And at this moment, a person realizes that he can achieve more in life, make it much brighter, s/he just needs to change everything, destroy the stereotypes created over the years, and start to follow the call of his soul, not to hide from his talents laid down by nature, but on the contrary, make them by their associates. 

Thinking about talents, at first glance, it is difficult to catch them, but that’s why we started the analysis of behavior of the parents. Who the person looked like initially, in childhood, those genes prevail in him. If you can’t catch your own talents, or remember a hobby that you had your heart laid in at an early age, analyze your parents, grand-parents. Sometimes it’s easier to see other people’s strengths by watching them and analyzing their behaviors, and then think about how much you like those traits? If they resonate, try to start developing those skills. Remember, it’s never too late to start something from scratch, especially since the talent is in you and you can achieve success with the least efforts. 

In addition to positive features, there are also negative ones. Having noticed them in your parents, grandparents, take them into arms, maybe this is your chance to eradicate vicious traits and improve your behavioral skills. 

However, sometimes, people are quite happy with acquired talents, new possibilities they get in life, material aspects of being. But question still remains – should we alter ourselves to reach something we do not belong to, or find ourselves, as was written on Apollo temple in ancient Greece, and flourish the inherited talents?

What do you think? Let us know your opinion in comments below.

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